One Faith, Many Paths: Amanda Sebra

This time around, I’m talking with Amanda Sebra. She is a mother diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder who also has a child. She is also a member of Fans For Christ.

1. At what age did you learn you were autistic?

At age 6 they ran a battery of tests on me but were unable to come to a definate diagnosis. Years later after my son was Diagnosed I decided to be tested after doing some self testing and I wondered if I was.  Physician officially diagnosed me shortly after my son

2. How long have you been a Christian?
20+ years
 Raised Catholic I consider myself Fans For Christ now.
4. What was your childhood like?
Single mom.  Lived with mom and grandparents in home owned by grandparents until age of 14.  Grandparents ran a foster home for teenage girls until 1994.  After 1994 lived with mom and stepfather.
5. I once signed up for a forum for autistic people called Wrong Planet and found it to be a place that was not only mostly atheist, but also opposed to Christianity.  Why do you think some autistic people have an opposition to the Christian faith?
 I think most aspies had a bad experience in the past with the church that “left a bad taste in their mouth”  that they sworn off Christianity altogether.  Also the social aspect can be hard to handle.
6. When did you find out your son had Asperger’s?
About 3 years ago when I and his great grandmother had concerns over being non verbal and his lack of fine motor skills.
7. Is there anyone in your life who inspires you to be a better person? If so, who and why?
Liane Holliday Willey or Rudy Simone, 2 female aspies whose books are very helpful and hit a bit close to home.
8. Do you have a favorite Biblical passage?
Why? I can’t think of a specific passage but I remember studying and memorizing Esther for Bible Quizzing. Esther 4:16 where she fasts and prays then goes to speak to the king which could equal the death penalty for a woman in those times stuck with me.
“Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.”
9. What advice would you give to other autistic people or parents of autistic children?
Parents always make a little time for yourself, even if its 5 minutes alone in the bathroom.
Aspies: No matter how many times you hear no, keep yourself to the goal


Author: rocklobsterjwt

I am a Christian and an anime fan. My blog will cover anime reviews and maybe an occasional story

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